A Bowen session

Bowen Therapists perform a series of 4 to 6 Bowen moves and then leave the room for 2 to 5 minutes. The moves follow a set pattern designed to start the dialog between the body and brain that triggers the body to self-correct. Each time, the Bowen Therapist returns to the room they will evaluate the client’s reaction to the session and then perform the next moves in the series.

The session is typically an hour long. The length of a session is not indicative of the degree of healing as with Bowen, ‘less is more’. The practitioner is a catalyst, setting in motion the processes necessary for the body to heal itself.

The importance of water intake and specific environmental and lifestyle modifications are recommended to support and boost your well-being.

Client assessment is performed during each visit in order to evaluate changes between sessions.

A significant change in symptoms is often experienced after the initial visit.


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The 3 Ws - Water, Walk, Wait

Following the session, the client is encouraged to drink more water than usual to help cleanse the body of unwanted toxins, to walk where possible on a frequent basis to help the body, remove these toxins, change it’s carriage, and old set patterns, and to wait. The wait is because Bowen continues to make changes for 5 days following the session.

On the day of Bowen:

After treatment, do not sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time without getting up and walking a few steps. This is important even if driving - stop and walk around the car. You may lie down flat to rest, however, without having to get up. The Bowen signals will set overnight while you are sleeping.

Stand up gently with your weight evenly distributed on your feet, as you did after the session. This helps to maintain the balancing effect of Bowen on the body.

Strenuous exercise should be avoided. Gentle exercise, walking or swimming, is fine.

Drink plenty of water, to help the body expel waste products. 

  1. No hot or cold showers or baths, heating pads or ice packs. No extremes. A brief, warm shower is acceptable.

During the following week:

Bowen should not be mixed with other modalities for a period of 5 days before and after a Bowen session. Any other bodywork, including massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy etc. will interfere with the Bowen process and will stop the natural healing from progressing. The body and brain are fully involved in the Bowen conversation for 5 days and should not be interrupted.

Again, no massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, physiotherapy, hot tubs, hot/cold packs, long hot showers, or dental drilling while Bowen is being integrated into the body. Homeopathic medicines and flower remedies are fine, they will not interfere. Continue to drink 2 liters of water a day if you can and walk each day as recommended.

Following these instructions will allow the integration and healing to proceed unhindered.

Recommended follow-up session:

Return one week following the first session. Visits are scheduled approximately one week apart for the first three visits. The second and third sessions are important in setting the work into the body and addressing anything that has shown itself during the healing processes. Once the condition is resolved you may reschedule Bowen sessions either for maintenance or as needed, as maintenance will go a long way in keeping you and your family healthy and active, throughout your life.